Eswatini National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – November 2019

There is no doubt that the advances in digital technology has opened endless prospects for us consumers globally. Today with just one click, one is able to make a hotel booking online and immediately make payment or pay their monthly rent without living the comfort of their home. However, these amenities come with a risks.

We may not realize it initially, but as we enjoy the convenience that the internet offers, we inevitably cultivate a digital footprint that could potentially be exploited by cybercriminals. That is why it is important that everyone plays a part in ensuring that their online lives are kept safe and secure. Hence, National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) is initiative observed globally and as a collaborative effort between relevant stakeholders, The Ministry of ICT will, for the first time will ensure that the Kingdom of Eswatini undertakes this National Awareness Campaign in the month of November. The campaign will be themed BE CYBER AWARE, BE CYBER SMART.

The objective of the initiative is to promote the nation’s awareness on cybersecurity by increasing the level of understanding of cyber threats, simple mitigation and empower the nation to be more secure online.

Be Cyber Aware

Know the Cyber Risks that are out there.

The internet has become part and parcel of our everyday lives.   The first step in combating cybercrime is knowing and understanding the cybersecurity risks that are out there. Before you use the Internet, take time to understand the risks and learn how to spot potential problems.

Be Cyber Smart

Know what steps to take to make your online presence safer and secure

Cybercriminals are good at collecting personal information from unsuspecting victims.  Everyone should know how to be safe when surfing the web but then internet safety is tricky; as technology evolves, cybercriminals also find other means to get this data. Take a moment to be certain the path ahead is clear. Watch for warning signs and consider how your actions online could impact your safety, or your family's.

Awareness Month Activities

In the course of this month, in partnership with stakeholders, The Ministry of ICT will embark on several activities. To kick-off the Campaign, there will be launch event on the 1st November 2019. This event will be followed by a string of awareness and educational activities such as school visits targeting students, workshops for industry players and advertisements.

This initiative provides each and every one of us the opportunity at home, work and school to learn as much as we can about online safety and ensuring that our online lives are secure. It is with hope that this will kick-start and encourage a culture of cybersecurity within the Eswatini Nation.

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