Home / Programmes / Programme 1 / Agriculture



The Ministry of Agriculture is one of the government’s departments with many remote sites all over the country that the Fund supports. Most of these sites are not connected to the Government intranet, especially the Rural Development Areas (RDA). The Ministry has vital information systems which must be accessed by the officers from the remote sites thus bringing government services closer to the people. One of these systems which is currently most used or significant to the farmers all over the country is the Eswatini Livestock Identification Traceability System (SLITS).

With the unavailability of Government intranet in some other places, more especially the Shiselweni region, farmers are made to travel very long distances to get assistance. The Ministry has also a system (SASIS) that has never worked because of lack of resources which include the WAN. Currently the Ministry of Agriculture is in a process of developing systems whose aim is to provide efficiency in the delivery of services and these systems will need the government intranet to be fully operational. These systems are; Soil Testing Reports Management System, Veterinary Medicinal Products System and the National Plant Health Inspectorate Services.


To enable the Ministry of Agriculture to connect remote vetinary sites to the Government network. This initiative is in line with Government’s objective of bringing services closer to the people as well as enhance sharing of information and optimizing resources.


The fund assisted the Ministry of Agriculture to connect 17 remote veterinary offices and 5 Tinkhundla Centres to Government network.


Region Location Institution / Facility Year
Hhohho Mbabane Vet 2020/21
Pigg’s Peak Vet 2020/21
Ntfonjeni Vet 2020/21
Manzini Ngculwini Vet 2020/21
Lobamba Vet 2020/21
Mctyre Vet 2020/21
Mankayane Vet 2020/21
Mahlangatja Vet 2020/21
Mpisi Training Vet 2020/21
Mliba Vet 2020/21
Ntfonjeni RDA 2020/21
Motjane RDA 2020/21
Luve Inkhundla Centre 2020/21
Shiselweni Nhlangano Vet 2020/21
Gege Vet 2020/21
Mbulungwane vet 2020/21
Lavumisa vet 2020/21
Sithobelweni vet 2020/21
Hluthi Inkhundla Centre 2020/21
Gege Inkhundla Centre 2020/21
Lubombo Siphofaneni Inkhundla Centre 2020/21
Lomahasha Inkhundla Centre 2020/21